August 15, 2016

Utah Petroglyphs
After getting out of Moab, we headed down to southeast Utah for some solitude and to visit some ancient American history out in the desert. The Navajo and the Anasazi have thrived in this region for thousands of years until 800-1000 years ago, the Anasazi disappeared. 
Utah Petroglyphs
There are some remote areas in south Utah where artifacts exist as well as some of the petroglyphs and pictographs which have not been seen by many people. 
Utah Petroglyphs
Once we got on the dirt roads the people disappeared and we had the whole desert to ourselves which was a breath of fresh air and relaxing.  Its nice to know that there are places you can go where there is going to be nobody around within a 100 mile radius.
kiva settled into the rock.

The panels we went to see where on the sides of some of the dirt roads that we turned off on which were interesting to see and appear to tell a story of what might have happened here hundreds of years ago.  I can not be certain and my uneducated guess as to why these objects exist on the walls would be to show what has passed by here and what might be found in this area for resources that other Anasazi can take advantage of.  
Petroglyphs, Utah
We set up camp in a nice cove situated near some other panels and small kivas in the area.  We were the only ones in the area but unfortunately we were not able to see the asteroids flying through the air at night. 
kiva settled into the rock.
The following morning, we hiked up on top of the ridge to see if we could find any more artifacts but we were not fruitful in our trek in the desert. It will be nice to get back out there so see what more might be in the desert. 
A very nice and well camouflaged kiva settled into the rock.
Afterwards we headed back out and back to town and head out to the ceder mesa comb wash area to visit some other ruins before heading back.  

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