February 03, 2020

As Vizzini once said...."inconceivable"!!! The Princess Bride range in Death Valley has some very interesting canyons within a half days reach from a given trailhead. 

Each canyon is named after a theme of the movie princess bride but this canyon holds a particular feel that can beg the term, inconceivable. 

When you look over the edge of the final sequence it almost gives the impression that its " Inconceivable" to possibly get down but the angels are not as bad as they appear and this canyons makes for a great half day. 

 The approach is a couple miles of wash hiking with is relatively flat and uneventful. 

There is a 1400 gain to take on which will take you to a ridge where you have a few canyon options to choose from. 

Inconceivable canyon had some great views and great drops which made this cliff canyon a nice option, for cliff canyons. 

We encountered numerous raps that were over 100 feet in length. 

And now for the question on the 280 ft drop.  I understand it as that we can descend down 200ft into pothole and re anchor just below the pothole another 80 feet. 

Our group used a 300 ft rope which had plenty of rope in the pothole and the pothole is fairly easy to negotiate right at the bottom of the pothole itself to avoid water. 

The following anchor, we used a 210 ft rope.

I passed the half way point on the 210 ft rope with what appeared to be 40 or 50 feet of rope below me to the bottom. 

This is not to be used as beta, please research own your own and find out what lengths of ropes to bring. 

Regardless, if you are looking for a great cliff canyon that has some interesting raps and big views, this is the canyon. 


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