May 01, 2023


Ahh... the shit people complain about and fight over.  Well, I guess everyone has to fight over something. 

For all the bolts that are placed, bolts that are than chopped, then placed again, and chopped, that is a dangerous game being played and if people keep that up.  

Someone is going to get hurt. What's amazing about bolts and hangers is that they do provide a fantastic margin of safety, for rope access, rescue, and durable material.  

I highly recommend researching the art of bolting and why cavers have been using bolts inside of caves ever since cave exploration started.  

I also recommend researching why canyon routes are bolted especially in C class canyon.  

That being said if you find a bolt, leave it there.  Scenario, if someone thinks a canyon is bolted, and they decide to opt out of bringing webbing, the canyon has not been run for 4 years and is in direct sunlight.  

They show up to the canyon, the first anchor is in the shade and to their surprise, the bolts are removed.

Personally, I do not care if a canyon is bolted or not.  We will get through it, build knot chocks, rock choaks, Deadman, even the fancy Scott Swaney fiddle stick Deadman anchors where we leave no human made material behind. 

In some of these canyons we have found eye bolts that the miners placed back when the miners were prospecting through the desert. 

 As far as I am concerned, the miners made the first descent of the canyons in the black canyon range just south of las vegas. 

What's even more amazing is that nobody really cares all that much about who did the first descent if its not me finding the canyons, its going to be someone else. If people are going to decide to bolt a canyon than they are going to bolt it anywhere in the southwest and hiding a canyon is not going help.  

People will continue to explore, discover, re-discover and find new canyons and caves.  

The name Bolt me Daddy is a FUI to all the people that have bolted and that removed the bolts in the canyon 

It is Illegal to place bolts and to remove bolts in the Lake Mead National Recreational Area. just leave the the canyons alone and rig natural anchors, they are not difficult to do. 

The name Bolt me Daddy was thought up over beers with the group because we couldn't stop laughing at all the bullshit people have about these canyons. Thanks, guys, for bringing your comedy to us, we will take it from here. 

We did not find any bolts in the canyon and we do not want anyone to find bolts in this or in any of the canyons. Just have fun and bring webbing and Rapides.  prepare for up to 10 raps and bring a few 200 ft ropes with you. 

We found that the drops were less than 200 ft.  There are a couple raps where we had to use

some rope as Deadman anchorage material so make sure you bring webbing to replace the rope. 

The last few raps are in warm spring flowing water which made this canyon quite awesome and beautiful! 

You even have a rap where you drop into a pool of water with vines and a desert turns into a vegetated garden on 

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