April 11, 2023

 I am believing now that even the story that I tell myself about having the experience of becoming a millionaire is an attachment to the experiential outcome rather than an experience that aligns with a purpose of congruence.  I have this goal of making 3 million in 4 years and it wasn't so much about the money but rather the experience of becoming a millionaire, the lessons, the journey, and the mindset. I know money is byproduct of what I am doing, and the abundance mindset still comes from within but letting go of what I might receive from following passions and what you believe will give you millions, is a detachment resource for an abundance mindset.  

Of course, we can't just think we will have the means to pay our bills and have resources without working hard for it, I do not think this millionaire's journey has an end goal attachment but rather an outcome detachment, which I think will be more profound.  So, if there is no end goal, then I should already embody and embrace the effects of a millionaire mindset? Absolutely. 
Many millionaires do not seem to be happy within their means and tangibles, many millionaires are happy. The desire of wanting more hoping that the next thing around the corner will give them happiness seems to be a vacation away from their own frame by avoiding themselves and their own growth of a ripping effect.  Integrating this into an abundance mindset without a number attached to the outcome, letting go of a number, and adopting the experiential journey into the abundant mindset aligned appears to me to be a mindset of success. 
Letting go is scary because it can feel that you need to trust things will be ok.  you have to trust the process. 
Question what you want.  The external is a reflection of the internal so if the internal is abundant and enough than your external will be open to receiving.  I've noticed this when I was in sales.  Some days I would do bad and some good.  The good days where I got sales, I felt happy and abundant, which projected energy from me and had a magnetic effect that attracted more sales. The days I was down, that would push away sales. The more you let go, that more you let in. 

I remember back in my childhood when I got a bag of excellent Halloween candy from the neighborhood. I started to eat this candy by myself with all the excitement that any kid would have. I soon realized that when the selfish indulgences wore off, I began to savor the candy and slow down.
I wanted to taste the flavors, the experience of the bites and swallowing the candy, and the aftertaste in my mouth. Soon after I wanted to share this relation with my other friends in the neighborhood. I was able to touch the hearts of my friends in the neighborhood because they got to experience candies. 
I look back at this and think that I want to surround myself with people who know how to touch hearts and people who have been taught by the hard truths in life. 
I find that I have adopted a way to enjoy the candies of life and the desire to share those candies with others at an early age. We have two lives to live and the second begins when you realize that you have one. 
break away and observe yourself. Why would you wait to marry your clear intent with an elevated emotion every day, instead of the lowest denomination that you see yourself in? why not see yourself from an elevated state and be conscious? You practice by doing this in mediation and now you open your eyes and have to demonstrate it in life. 
 Now you can modify your state every day when you get lost you get better at it by practicing.  We learned how to be miserable we can unlearn.  We don't need material items to be happy or they can give us happiness.  Take the memories with us and experiences not material items.  To find love within ourselves we have to confront everything that stands in the way between love. Start by telling the story of the future. We descend into density from oneness, zero point, we all come from the devine, we come from love. 
If you are truly living in the abundance of love, you will be challenged to a greater level of love. 
I know that we never really own anyone except experiences, nor can we want something or someone more than they want it. There will be people you meet who are just meant to be that unique sunrise.  Your warmed by their presence and the clarity of what lies ahead becomes defined. They are the light that pulls you from the night. You will have friends, lovers, relationships, that are seasonal.  No matter how deep of a conversation you had with that person in your darkest hour, no matter how much you shared your heart, there must always come a time to move on. A time to let go. And regardless of you letting go, I just want you to know, that you're always going to feel a little bit like home to me.  No matter how temporary, it is still a beautiful place that I got to call your heart a home. 
 Letting go of the outcome and detaching yourself from what something means by knowing that you are enough.  I was able to suffer so you don't have to. 
What you work for will get damaged, what you build will be shaken. you will meet and realize the right person at the wrong time. You will find out your friends are not who you thought they were, you will be roughed up, lied to, tormented, cheated, and stuck in your head.  Then when you thought, you were done paying dues with the work, you will be tested even harder. This is where the stillness will arise. The observer as Elkhart Tolle likes to call it.  Your observation of yourself.  Allow your emotions to exist, they all tell you something like indicators on a dashboard. Allow yourself to feel the emotions but be disconnected to your emotions, rather connect deep into your needs. 
Even a great poet by the name of Jalal al-din Rumi expressed that " There is a realm between right and wrong, I'll meet you there" We all have needs we want to fill. Nourish your needs and fill yourself with meaning, purpose, love, passion, recreation, laughter, sustenance, and autonomy. We can start to let go of the language of anger we use to judge people with and the language of depression that we use to judge ourselves with. You are no longer the tragic sum of your means but a gift to this world most haven't had the chance to see yet. Go ahead, keep filling your buckets and let them overflow with fulfillment.  This is where you start to give. There is nowhere to go until you surrender to where you are at.
 Now in days, I am in a loving, sexy, adventurous, creative relationship with myself. I am not seeking love from a deficit, and I will not accept anything less than a powerful alignment with someone that is also on the same path towards greatness.
be immovable when emotions arise, don’t compromise goals, give her what she needs, help her focus on things she can control, listen, see, hear, and understand her when she gets upset or when emotions arise. Set the tone, let her feel your loyalty, trust, and devotion. Do not be a nice guy or try to get along, create tension, keep your boundaries intact.

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