October 17, 2018

Black Void Canyon 3AII. Death Valley National Park
Black Void Canyon is a fantastic half day canyon that is located within Death Valley National park. Black Void Canyon is located in Fall Canyon in the grapevine mountain range which is a fantastic canyon to hike through in-itself.

Black Void Canyon 3AII. Death Valley National Park
There are some great canyons that feed into Fall Canyon.  Some have some big views, and raps come in rapid fire succession. I highly recommend this region for a weekend or more multiple trips to visit the Fall canyon range.

Black Void Canyon 3AII. Death Valley National Park
The canyons that I recommend are Crater of Doom, Black Void, and a close third is Deep Chasm. Dark Shadow was another one that was visited and I would put that in fourth place.

Black Void Canyon 3AII. Death Valley National Park
The trail head starts from the parking lot of Fall Canyon and heads off the trail and up the mountain with elevation gain of around 700-800ft.

Black Void Canyon 3AII. Death Valley National Park
This site and information about Black Void is for informational and documentary purposes only. It is not to be used for beta or a means to know how to get through the technical canyon in any sort of way. please go to for more information on this and other canyons.
Black Void Canyon 3AII. Death Valley National Park
Once at the top of the mountain its a bit of a cross country hike around to the tail end of Black Void canyon. You want to make sure you go down the RIGHT canyon or you could find yourself in a situation where you could run out of rope.

Black Void Canyon 3AII. Death Valley National Park
The first rap is around 150 feet in length and it goes down a somewhat of a deep and narrow corridor.  The short canyon has two tiers so you will want to get the rope down to the bottom with the first person on rope.

Black Void Canyon 3AII. Death Valley National Park
Always make sure that the pull line is properly packed and all of the rope for the pull line is in the bag and at the top of the drop to be ready to be deployed.

Black Void Canyon 3AII. Death Valley National Park
Once down, the next three raps are less than 100ft in length.  As of this time that anchor to the second to the last rap needs to be re-built with webbing wrapping around the boulder.  It will make sense when you are there but please bring webbing to re-build this anchor. The final rap, I brought a 330 ft rope and we were easily able to get down to the bottom.  I have heard that this last drop of 250-260 or 210.  Please check ropewiki for the most up to date information on what ropes to bring.

Black Void Canyon 3AII. Death Valley National Park

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