Lake Geneva. Zurich, Switzerland I had the privilege to spend a weekend in the beautiful city of Zurich and traveled out to the surrounding mountians which was absolutely beautiful. Lake Geneva. Zurich, Switzerland The City of Zurich is also a beautiful place to visit alone with the culture and all of the interesting settings they had for food and the building structures. Lake...
Valley Of The Moon Being here on the beach was a nice view of the moon reflecting off of the white and smooth limestone rock. Valley of the Moon The canyon valley leading to the ocean created a moonlit hallway that was beautiful like a shiny pearl corridor to the ocean. We spent a lot of time here and went well into the...
Grotte di Nettuno ALGHERO We hike down the stone walkway carved out thousands of years ago which bends around the sheer cliffs and eventually enters the cave system. Grotte di Nettuno ALGHERO The lookout from the top is quite breathtaking as you look out into the Mediterranean sea. The Limestone walls are sheer and hundreds of feet up. Grotte di Nettuno ALGHERO The...