at 114 degrees David Harris and I set out to find a sinkhole in the desert which had apparent features to be at least a sinkhole.
Indeed once we got there, we confirmed that there is a sinkhole so we set out to located and identify what this potential cave could be.
We made it the the entrance and it was indeed a
sinkhole with shade!!! Lots of shade and much needed to get out of the heat.
We get into the sink and there appears to be a room just inside the bottom of the sinkhole. We get in there and immediately we start to hear a loud rattle. A grand canyon rattle snake appears and looks quite pissed of our presence.
The passage appeared to start to close up but the snake blocked continuing to look further into the small area where the passage could go. This is why we called this sink...
Rancor cave is a new Nevada cave that was discovered on a ridge walk in the Mormon Range.
This cave has a interesting entrance with a complete skeleton of a bighorn sheep at the entrance that was eaten by something...
Indeed the tall narrow entrance with the big horn skeleton at the entrance made for a warming welcome when I walked into the cave.
The passage has a nice red color to the walls and ceiling. I wish I brought my proper camera to photograph the passages but I will be returning for more.


Box death hollow is a non technical canyon located deep within the Box Death Hollow wilderness of Escalante