Eb Allen over the bow. The last dive of the trip we dove the Eb Allen. This is one of the Preserves classic dives with a ship at around 100 ft to the dirt and buoyed!! The Eb Allen was going to New York and was hit on its portside and tore a large hole into the hull. She sank and rests upright...
The Pewabic We woke up early to get a head start on the lake as our initial plan was to go to the Viator 25 miles off shore. We were able to fill the tanks and get back out on the lake to find 1 to 3's into our bow section of the boat. The forecast called for 15 knot winds but we...
Shipwreck of the New Orleans midship next to broken mast. After we completed our de briefing we went over to see if the defiance was buoyed up. This wreck is one I want to do get down to one day but at a depth of 185 ft, I am going to have to be a bit careful with that one. We went over...
John J Audubon's Stearn starboard quarter Getting back out to Thunder Bay in Alpena Michigan was something I wanted to do the day I left Alpena on my last shipwreck trip in 2012. This year I re connected with Joe at Thunder Bar Scuba along with my dive buddy Mike Apke to venture out on the wild waters of Lake Huron. The First day we...
Tom Shahaf inside the Lumberman (photo by Mark Shahaf) Dive Season has started and I have been anxious to get into the water especially after being out in the desert for 10 days. I got to the harbor in Milwaukee an hour early to make sure I had enough time to make it out there from Chicago and shortly after everyone else showed up. For this charter Mike Apke, Tom...
MEADOW HOT SPRING Our last day was all about relaxation and enjoying some feet recovery from the 50 + mile hike that left our feet blistered and swollen. This hot spring is located in the middle of a plain 10 miles from a small town called Meadow. We pulled up and I quickly walked up to this 30-40ft water filled pit and was amazed...