

July 13, 2013
Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, Indiana  Around 20,000 years ago the glaciers receded back into the Lake Michigan Basin and deposited these sand hills which rendered this massive amount of sand we can find today at the National Lakeshore. Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, Indiana  As the receded, there were points where the dunes created kettle ponds which can be found today in the form...


July 09, 2013
Shipwreck of the St. Albans After finding out that the St. Albains and the EMBA were at around 150-160 to the dirt I wanted to make sure I got out to these two shipwrecks this summer and after some equipments updates, I was able to get these last two dives in before the viz in the lake started going down. My Dive Buddy...


July 02, 2013
Entrance to Wells Cave Jorge and Rich Pagels were waiting around all day to do something since they are not vertical cavers so i wanted to make sure we were able to get something horizontal in before it got too late.  I got back and Laura, Rich, Jorge, and myself got to Wells cave in good time.  We rigged a hand line and...

Wilson's Pit

July 02, 2013
Wilson's Pit Right after Easy Pit we made it over to the location where Wilson's Pit has eroded its way to the surface.  This is a 100 ft pit where 30ft is on a ledge and another 80 ft is a free fall down a large borehole pit.  Rappelling this pit was a nice because you pass stratified rock layers which was like taking an elevator tour back in...

Easy Pit Cave

July 02, 2013
Easy Pit entrance with a trickling waterfall   We woke up early to get a head start so we could get to these pits at the right time.  We ate breakfast at Fredrick's in Corydon IN which is a good breakfast place and also a meet up for cavers in the area.  We got through that and made it over to the property Easy Pit...


July 02, 2013
Ascending out of Rothrock Pit I have been Waiting to go to Cave Capers for a year now.  I had a group of friends that went down there last year and had a blast so I was eager to get down there and have a good time as well as check out some caves in the area. I got to Chris Parks house the...


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