

March 27, 2014
Phil Goldman in Peachers Cave Sunday I woke up in my tent in a bit of a daze as I was up the previous night hanging out with my grottos cavers and the newbie cavers passing stories back and forth about the survey, past caving trips, and how their caving trip went in Buckner’s cave. They seemed to be in good spirits from...


March 27, 2014
Jamie Chang, Kevin Romanak, and Adam Haydock in the Diamonds In The Rough room in McIntosh Pit Kevin Romanak and I pushed a lead in a pit cave behind a auto body shop called McIntosh Pit a few weeks back that rewarded our efforts with one of the most decorated rooms in Indiana.  We researched this room to see if anyone has ever...


March 19, 2014
 Raymond's Cave Kentucky We got up early so we are able to get to Kentucky and on over to Raymond’s Cave and have time to drop the pit inside the cave and head back to Chicago.  We get to the property, park the car, and realized we had to cross a field  that was about a half mile to a tree line which was not to...


March 19, 2014
Chris Climbing out of Jager Pit Cave Indiana Chris was talking about going caving for a bit now and after our survey trip got moved over to the following weekend, we decided to go to the Lost Valley area where Jaeger Pit cave, Raymond Bliss cave, Lost Valley Pit cave, Haas Cave, Buzzard cave, and moonshine pit are located.  We headed out early...


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