MIDDLE ISLAND SINKHOLE BACTERIA BED PLANE THUNDERBAY MICHIGAN The last dive of the trip took us to the Middle Island Sinkholes just north of Alpena Michigan. I was telling the other divers about this one and that how I was absolutely fascinated with this oddity as the bottom floor is carpeted with a bacteria that thrives off of digesting sulfur and not from...
Shipwreck of the cornelia windiate Last day of diving and most of us were looking to get back to Milwaukee and Chicago at a decent hour so we made the decision to dive the Cornelia Windiate and the sinkholes of middle island. After working through some communication challenges we set a course for the Windiate. The windiate is at 185 ft of water. ...
Shipwreck of the Typo The next dive we did on this fine Saturday is the Shipwreck of the Typo. The sun was trying to push through but the water continued to lay down for us allowing for glass conditions out on the lake and a nice swift ride to the wrecksite. This wreck is resting at around 185 ft of water at the...
Shipwreck of the Defiance We got up early to get a early start on Lake Huron so we can beat the afternoon rain showers if the rain happens to show up. We make our way over to Rockport once again and the waters edge looks beautiful!!! Lake Huron has laid down for us and its absolutely calm conditions. WHAAA!! We couldn't have asked for better...
SHIPWRECK OF THE NORTH BAY It was a long ride to get up to Alpena Michigan after work and with losing an hour on the road due to the eastern time thing, it made me wonder if they think they can change daylight savings time, but they cant change the time zones?....move them a bit more east or lets just go back to the...
Large Room Inside Donaldson Cave Indaina Sunday morning we got up early to start off on going into two caves right on the property of Spring Mill State Park, Donaldson and Bronson caves . We show up to the office where they keep the boats for their tours into upper twin cave and check in with the staff. We continued down into the...
Adam Haydock in River Cave in Cave River Valley Indiana After a break outside we went up stream passing a series of nice small waterfalls till we got to the (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); entrance of river Cave. This cave is not as long as Endless cave but the passages appeared to be larger in size. Entrance of River Cave in Cave River Valley Indiana...