Adam Haydock and Tom Miller in Cueva Juan Neives Puerto Rico The final day of caving here in Puerto Rico has come, and what a great way to finish this trip with a visit to Juan Nieves! This cave is apart of the Rio Encantada system near Florida Puerto Rico and has a beautiful pit entrance that leads to a tall canyon passage that...
Carlos Artiguez in the White Room Cueva Perdida We got up early to meet up with Carlos at the Texaco on Route 10 near Cueva Ventana and Carlos mentioned that he was running a bit late, so we stopped by Cueva Ventana to see if we could visit the cave for a bit. Cueva Ventana from the bottom I went to Ventana a...
Cueva Del Indio Petroglyphs, Puerto Rico After Sorbetos, We got a hotel room and had some time to burn off for the rest of the day so we headed over to Cueva Del Indio in Arecibo to check out the ocean and the sea caves. I have been here before and I have always enjoyed visiting as there is a place to swim with coral and...
Adam Haydock in Cueva Sorbetos Puerto Rico Cueva Sorbetos!!! one of the most beautiful caves I have ever been to. Cueva Sorbetos Puerto Rico This is a beautiful cave system that I have been to a few years back but wanted to come back to and get some awesome pictures from . We had to park the car is a really shady neighborhood...