Pless Cave, Indiana A bunch of us got up early to make it to the front of the recreational site so we could join the group that was going over to Pless Cave near Blue Springs Indiana. We all followed our Trip Leader Dave Everton, to the landowners property where we got set up for the cave. I believe we had around 6...
Top Of Green Eye 2 After lunch we headed over to Green Eye 2 which was open for Cave Capers and a nice little 65ft drop into a decent sized room for Indiana standards. Green Eye 2, Indiana I rigged a traverse line from a small tree tot he main drop and dropped the rest of the rope down to the bottom of...
Amreen climbing her first vertical cave at the Hoosier National Forest Swallow Hole Another wonderful year at Cave Capers and what a great turn out we had for all of the Chicago Cavers that came down to take part in the festivities!! We ended up getting down to Springville on Friday and had time to make it over to the Hoosier National Forest...
David Angel and Ron Davis on a Traverse in Jackpot Cave Kentucky After our class successfully completed our seminars with the National Cave Rescue Commission, recreational trips into the local caves were offered so students had the opportunity to visit and enjoy some of the wonderful caves in the area. Gypsum Flower, Jackpot Cave Kentucky I was blessed to get on the Jackpot...
The Mock at NCRC 2015 in Park City, Kentucky, Photo By Jeff Burns Running through "Checkoffs" on a swing set at NCRC 2015 Photo By: Jeff Burns Phil Goldman and I took his fifth wheel and drove down to Park City Kentucky to participate in a weeklong Cave Rescue seminar with NCRC ( National Cave Rescue Commission). Patient Packaging at NCRC 2015 in...