Yankie Doodle Canyon, leeds, Utah After Boltergeist canyon, we headed over to Yankie Doodle to make a quick run with this toute before heading back to the campground. Yankie Doodle Canyon, leeds, Utah Yankie Doodle is a best of the canyons in this area IMO, and is rated at a 3AII but there is a semi keeper depending on water levels and some semi...
Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge, Nevada Ash Meadows is a unique and beautiful wildlife preserve that has been around for over one hundred years protecting native (endemic) species of life, some of which can only be found in this regional area. The Wildlife refuge was established to protect the watershed that recharges out from a subterranean aquifer. Early settlers have previously drained some of...
Cascade Cave, Utah Cascade Falls Cave is a horizontal cave in the Dixie National forest, Utah. The cave is around 2000ft in length and is comprised of mainly walking passage. The cave does not appear to be limestone in nature but does sit on a contact layer that has signs of scalloping due to swift water movement. Cascade Cave, Utah Access to this...
Polygamy's Cave, Utah Polygamy's cave appears to be one of the more popular cave's in Tony Grove with its foot traffic and groups of people we found not only congregating at the entrance, but inside the cave at a distance past the light zone at a point where we would think people would have enough sense to wear helmets. at the entrance of Polygamy's...
a lava tube cave in Snow Canyon State Park, Utah Transported by wind more than 100 million years ago, tiny grains of sand covered much of what we now call Utah. These sand dunes were cemented into stone which were, at times over 2000 ft high. . Burnt orange to white in color, Navajo sandstone, is what remains of the ancient desert sand...