Nevada caving! A vast desert country land full of geologic and ancient history. Caves within the borders of Nevada are usually quite small but quite decorated in nature. A interesting fact about Nevada is that most of the state is yet to be discovered within the caving community. the secrecy within the caving community and within other organizations remains at a stalemate. I can only hope that one...
at 114 degrees David Harris and I set out to find a sinkhole in the desert which had apparent features to be at least a sinkhole. Indeed once we got there, we confirmed that there is a sinkhole so we set out to located and identify what this potential cave could be. We made it the the entrance and it was indeed a (adsbygoogle =...
Rancor cave is a new Nevada cave that was discovered on a ridge walk in the Mormon Range. This cave has a interesting entrance with a complete skeleton of a bighorn sheep at the entrance that was eaten by something...Indeed the tall narrow entrance with the big horn skeleton at the entrance (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); made for a warming welcome when I...
Red Breaks is a beautiful non technical canyon location in Escalante, Utah. Swirling red/orange narrow corridors and beautiful sculpted walls make for this canyon trip a must do in the region (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); . There are multiple ways to enter Red BreaksOne way is a traditional route from harris wash up to the canyon.You climb as high as you can and head...
Box death hollow is a non technical canyon located deep within the Box Death Hollow wilderness of EscalantePristine, remote, solitude, is starting to become harder to come by with social media and I must admit, this diary of a blog BUT, places have natural filters in place to keep out the people not willing to put forth the effort and training. Lucky for this canyon,...