

August 31, 2022
Monte Breithorn 13,661 ft. Is a glaciated peak overlooking the village of zermatt in Switzerland. this was another peak that found to be quite straightforward to summit but the cloud cover made this trek quite interesting. There was not a lot to see throughout the day but the elevation and effort was a good effort to prepare for the neighboring Matterhorn. Navigation was a white...


August 31, 2022
After some incredible aquatic waterfalls, playful jumps in plunge pools, and water park quality boggans into crystal clear water, the sentiment that dragons do fly and the shire should be just around the corner feels as real as the witch trials that the community of Iragna went through in the 17th century.  We floated under a stone bridge made of granite from hundreds of...

Oterrothron peak, 11,200ft. Switzerland Alps

August 29, 2022
Oberrothorn 11,150 ft. is one of the Peaks in the Swiss Alps that overlooks the village of Zermatt thousands of feet below. A Matterhorn warm up peak.At times, I am in a complete whiteout within the clouds and other times the clouds passAt other times, I am surrounded with scenery of mountain landscapes where clouds turn ranges into islands and hide the features...


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