

October 22, 2009

Old Truck in Ruby Arizona
The night before we stayed at Picacho peak state park and drank way too much for the following days activities.  I woke up early ready to throw up but anxious to summit Picacho peak which is a 1500ft steep grade traverse up a mountian. 

Picacho Peak Arizona

I made an early morning start and was able to reach the peak us as the altitude sickness colloded with my hangover.  It was not pretty up there lets just say that..but the views were nice :)  

Picacho Peak Arizona

I made it back down just in time for my Buddy to leave and we headed off to Ruby Arizona. 

Cow bones in Ruby Arizona
Ruby is an old mining town that was abandoned and left to blow away in the deserts mystery.  it is also an interesting location as this place is next to the mexician border and a bit of a civil war is going on so this made the day that much more interesting.

Ruby Arizona
After passing a few border patrol check points, we made it to the long dirt road that eventually got us to the Ghost town.  Along the way we passed by hunters armed with multiple carbines and border patrol agents that were pulled over in the desert looking for Aliens. We were greeted by some people when we actually got to ruby as there were others walking around here but they left shortly after and we had the place to ourselves.

House of Ruby Arizona

It was quite eeie to see how everything was left to rot away in the desert and how the miners had everything set up back than, with a school hose, tool warehouse, living quarters, and other interesting artifacts from the time when mining was active in this area.

School House Of ruby Arizona

There were some closed mine shafts in the local area but we did not end up going into them due to time and restriction but it was quite interesting to see.

Abandoned Mine Ruby Arizona

We attempted to look for the cemetery so we crossed this small playa to get into the desert but our attempts failed to render a old cemetery that was in the desert.  There was evidence of people crossing fences and in the distance we could see some aliens making the run into American territory.

Sodium Cyanide barrel in Ruby Arizona
This place may have not been the safest place be but it was sure fascinating to see a bit of American history and be able to enjoy the warm weather on this nice day that we had. We were thinking about staying here for a night and sleeping in one of the houses but we decided to return back to Scottsdale.

Playground of Ruby Arizona

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