MAQUOKETA STATE PARK After climbing at the Mississippi Palisades I headed on over to Maquoketa caves park in Iowa. It was around a 30 mile drive each way but it was well worth the visit!! MAQUOKETA STATE PARK When you enter the property there is this canyon sink of sorts where water has eaten away and formed a natural arch and a...
Porter Cave, Indiana We got up early in Bedford and headed north to one of the most northern caves in Indiana, Porter Cave. We talked to the landowners and they allowed us access to the cave which was really nice of them. This cave use to be a small commercial cave where people could view the entrance and walk through from the back...
Turkey Run State Park back near central Indiana is a interesting state park filled with trails to hike for all levels of active hikers. Turkey Run State Park The sandstone canyons are interesting for this region and tell a tale of the past times of how the last Holocene has effected this area with glacial run-off. Turkey Run State Park I took a...
After coming back from Rock Island State Park, I made my way over to the super quiet beach on north Washington Island. It wasn’t so quiet as people were wrapping up a weekend holiday here so it was rather packed full of suburbanites, retired, and overzealous un-appreciating rich kids. They were everywhere!! I donned my dive gear and after the 15th person asking...
Mississippi Palisades is another nice place to visit for some limited climbing routes and some decent hiking scenery. The town of Galena is also nearby which is a beautiful old mining town transformed into a antique center with nice restaurants and wineries. The Climbing routes at the Palisades are limited; some are starting to fall apart, and usually will have a lot...