Donahue Cave

March 06, 2013

bacon drapery wall Donahue Cave
we slept in making sure we had enough time to get inside the cave and onto the upper dog hill section.  
Rimstone dam passage Donahue cave
We made a nice slow stroll over the rimstone flowstone dam section and down the beautiful water canyon passage noticing a larger group of students from purdue inside the cave as well as running into a friend that was leading a group into the cave, keith johnson. 
As we made it down the river passage the terrain changed from river meander cut rock to canyon, slort canyon scalloped terrain with sharp cut outs in the rock and sculpture like formations made from hydrological events milenia.
  scaling up and over some natural bridge formations and some crawl unders we made it to the restriction where there is a nice flowstone that greeted us. 
Natural Bridge Donahue Cave
We decided to turn back to find the upper dog hill section and we went down a side passage that lead up to a small dome room with a nice 15 ft waterfall. 
We continued down the passage until we got to another t-section and decided to turn back to find upper dog hill which we found right around the corner.

Adam Haydock in Donahue cave

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