

June 16, 2015

Rouse Simmons Photo By: Jitka Hanakova www.shipwreckexplorers.com

Surface Interval at the Rouse Simmons
Rouse Simmons Photo By: Jitka Hanakova www.shipwreckexplorers.com

On November 22nd. 1912, the Rouse Simmons was determined to get to Chicago with her load of Christmas trees.

Water Stech and Adam Haydock at the Stern of the Rouse Simmons Photo By: Jitka Hanakova www.shipwreckexplorers.com

Captain Schuenemann and a crew of around 15-20 people set out for Chicago but never made it.

Rouse Simmons Photo By: Jitka Hanakova www.shipwreckexplorers.com

Rouse Simmons Photo By: Jitka Hanakova www.shipwreckexplorers.com
She remained a mystery for almost 60 years while Christmas trees would periodically wash up onto shore including the captains wallet which came up in a fisherman's net.
Rouse Simmons Photo By: Jitka Hanakova www.shipwreckexplorers.com

Shipwreck of the Rouse Simmons
The Wisconsin Historical Society has done a fantastic job with documenting the Rouse Simmons and was also able to identify some more clues as to her final voyage to Chicago.
Old Christmas trees in the holds of the Rouse Simmons
Rouse Simmons Photo By: Jitka Hanakova www.shipwreckexplorers.com

  Its a very interesting read and I highly recommend checking it out along with the nice pictures that have been taken to document this historic ghost ship landmark.

The Rouse Simmons
Rouse Simmons Photo By: Jitka Hanakova www.shipwreckexplorers.com

After an hour and a half surface interval and a bit of a ride over to the Rouse from the Vernon, we gear up and make our descent down the line to the Rouse Simmons.
Chris Parks and Adam Haydock on the Rouse Simmons Photo By: Jitka Hanakova www.shipwreckexplorers.com

 The conditions were a bit darker than they were on the Vernon  

Going back to harbor from the Rouse Simmons

Rouse Simmons Photo By: Jitka Hanakova www.shipwreckexplorers.com
SHIPWRECK EXPLORERS: http://shipwreckexplorers.com/

Click on this picture of the rouse simmons to see more excellent photos of this shipwreck and learn more about her history. This is NOT my photo.  Photo is from www.wisconsinshipwrecks.com

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