December 27, 2019

David comments on a bit of his experience coming to King Solomon's cave. It is hard to know where to start about King Solomon cave. I vividly remember the phone call from Adam when he told me the cave he discovered contained huge crystals larger then cars and unique hollow sword looking speleothems among other pretty incredible things. Well to make a long story short I was every bit as impressed as he was of the significant cave discovery of King Solomon Cave. I appreciate the opportunity I had along with many other cavers to document, survey and explore King Solomon Cave. It truly is a unique and special cave that I got to experience with great friends and a memory I will cherish. As our survey came to an end and photography encompassed a full-bodied narrative of the cave, immediate protection efforts became our primary scope of work. Indeed we had over 10 people in the know about KS cave and the probability of someone finding out about the cave was and has always been a concern. The efforts came together with countless hours of work, documenting, discussions, and even tiered levels of trust within the need to know arenas of individuals. There were concerns of who to trust and unfortunately, that was a reality that we all had to suffer from.