Looking down our route into the canyon, the descent is further than the horizontal distance to travel. The sun gives way to radiant heatAs the shadows provide free air conditioning at this time of year.It’s quite cool out but our bodies produce enough warmth to continue.Wear proper clothing and that will contain what warmth you produced. Although I am drinking less water in the usual...
All Photos by Project Cave and Cave Photographer: Irina TabaranaDeath Valley Canyoneering is always a great winter option when every other canyon or region around a radius of hundreds of miles is snow covered or eliminated by lack of access. The black range provides a great canyon option for big views and a relatively easy approach as long as you select the canyon with...
Group intends to RAPPEL! Some might notice this insistent statement when in receipt of this right of passage into the gates of this sacred landscape. I am humbled to live near a place where (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); inverse stone walls made of our own worldshistory protect and contain its unyielding enchantment to allow the fierce from within, to run free....as most of world...