

August 24, 2013
Warren Dunes-Michigan  Warren Dunes is located near Sawyer Michigan right near the border of Indiana but still on the Michigan Side. This is a beautiful location to visit some Holocene glacial action, enjoy some sun on a excellent beach front, pretend you are in the desert as you are actually in a desert environment, and climb the famous hill at the entrance which...


August 06, 2013
South Pittsburg Pit from the bottom  Last day in TAG before we headed home on a drive that turned out to be the longest 12 hours we have ever experienced, we decided to go to South Pittsburg Pit and bounce this one as it was on the way home.  We got to the parking spot and followed the dirt trail up to a connector...


August 06, 2013
Green's Well We got a chance to sleep in a bit more and catch up on some rest for the trip out to Green's Well.  This cave was about an hour and a half drive from Chattanooga but once we got to the landowners property, we geared up and had a swift but mildly challenging ascent up the mountain to the cave location. ...


August 06, 2013
Mystery Falls We drove an hour and a half from Conley Hole to Chattanooga TN so we could check in, grab the key and proceed to one of the biggest waterfall pit caves in the world, Mystery Falls!!!  Mystery Falls use to be a commercial cave back in the day and they had a system that would lower people, (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); one...


August 06, 2013
Colin and Tama Tandum climbing out of Conley Hole. We woke up super early to make sure we fit two massive caves into our schedule for the day, Conley Hole and Mystery Falls.  Conley Hole is a 161 ft drop into a large dome room with some interesting features at the bottom and mystery falls is a 270 ft drop into a HUGE...


August 06, 2013
Entrance to the Enchanted Forest It was a long drive from Chicago for us to Monticello Kentucky where we got a shady ass motel for the night to rest and prepare for our summer TAG trip.  Noboru Sakabe, Adam Haydock, met up with Chris Parks at the roach motel to rest for a trip into Wolf River Cave and the attempt at our lofty goal of  TAG pits. The...


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