

August 06, 2013

South Pittsburg Pit from the bottom
 Last day in TAG before we headed home on a drive that turned out to be the longest 12 hours we have ever experienced, we decided to go to South Pittsburg Pit and bounce this one as it was on the way home.  We got to the parking spot and followed the dirt trail up to a connector trail that took us to the entrance of this 160 ft drop.  I finally go to use my rope and all the other pits required rope longer the 250 ft.  We rigged the drop and set up a redirect on a pulley to avoid rope abrasion.  Noboru and I descended this pit and saw this from the bottom.
Adam Haydock Looking up from the bottom of South Pittsburg Pit
 All of the walls from the bottom were lit up from the sun which made this pit a very unique open air experience for us.  It was a nice last pit on our trip to see the reflecting light coming off the damp cave walls and looking at the canyon passage behind us
Canyon walls of South Pittsburg Pit
 We went back to a small water fall and free climbed into a crawl that leads to more dome rooms and passage but decided to turn around so we could save some more time and I didn't want to drag my gear through the mud anymore than I had already.  There was a rope to assist the waterfall climb so I used it to descend and Noboru climbed down.  Noboru got on rope and ascended up the pit and I followed quickly afterwards. 
South Pittsburg Pit
 We got back to the car and started out on our estimated long 9 hr drive back home to Chicago when we ran into some of the worst traffic jams I have ever seen.  We were at a dead stop and the side streets were pouring over with people trying to get around the traffic so which ever way you went, it was a complete shit show. We stopped of for some excellent bar b que ended up making it home around midnight thinking about that we were just on one hell of a trip for summer TAG.  I want to thank Colin for making this trip happen, Laura and Noboru for driving and all working as a team as well as the "TA TA's" for just being the TA TA's! keep your teeth clean and we will see everyone soon.!!!
Noboru Sakabe Ascending South Pittsburg Pit
FLICKR:  http://www.flickr.com/photos/exploration-worldwide/sets/72157634955456887/

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