

August 24, 2013

Warren Dunes-Michigan
 Warren Dunes is located near Sawyer Michigan right near the border of Indiana but still on the Michigan Side. This is a beautiful location to visit some Holocene glacial action, enjoy some sun on a excellent beach front, pretend you are in the desert as you are actually in a desert environment, and climb the famous hill at the entrance which appears to be between 200-300ft up.
Warren Dunes-Michigan
 The dunes are sand deposits from the receding glaciers that left miles of sand on the Southern Lake Michigan Shoreline which extends for 60-80 miles when the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore is included.
Warren Dunes-Michigan
 The sand deposits at the warren dunes are more impressive IMO, than some of the other deposit locations on the great lakes with the exception of the Grand Sable Dunes on Lake Superior.
Warren Dunes-Michigan
 The environment reminded me of a Barron desert in some location with deep sand hills that reach in excess of 200ft in some location.

Warren Dunes-Michigan
 There were plenty of places to find solitude in the extensive trail system in the Warren Dunes as well as an interesting flora culture set back from the hinterland to the beach front.
Warren Dunes-Michigan
 I went to visit the Warren Dunes on a yearly basis for the last 5 years and It was always fun to run up and down the large hit at the entrance where dead trees stand out like large toothpicks as you slide down with every step you take.

Warren Dunes-Michigan
 The Dunes here have a lot more desert environment than the other dunes in the area so I highly recommend this place for anyone who wants to get away from the city.
Warren Dunes-Michigan
 When the sun would set you could see the sand ripples sculpting the sand and the sun casting a orange liek fiery reflection over the dunes.
Warren Dunes-Michigan
 I truly enjoyed visiting the dunes and camping at the campground which is attached to the dunes from the back.
Warren Dunes-Michigan
 At night, you could see the stars and the city of Chicago just barely glowing across the great lake Michigan
Warren Dunes-Michigan
 Enjoy this place with confidence knowing you will find a whole lot of good stuff to do here and enjoy a nature preserve with beautiful scenery and interesting flora.
Warren Dunes-Michigan

Warren Dunes-Michigan

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