

May 04, 2022

The name says it all. A big entrance into corridors that can leave you feeling you are not getting out. 

Even some of the early explorers back out of one of the tightest sections of the canyon due to the feeling of being too tight or stuck. 

Alcatraz starts off with a beautiful rap anchored from your car down into the start of the canyon. 

This rap in itself is a blast and the scenery is beautiful. 

Leave your rope hard fixed to the car as you continue your descent into the canyon. 

There is one more rap to negotiate after some downclimbing. 

From this last rap, you will continue down and find that the canyon will get tighter as the walls start closing in. 

We had a large group with us, so I decided to break up the group into 3 smaller groups and head into the canyon every half hour. 

This turned out to work quite well. 

We did run into the group ahead of us but there was not too much waiting around for them to negotiate the canyon. 

Indeed the canyon gets tighter and dark

Even to the point where you want to break out your lights to get a better view of what's ahead. 

There are some sections where you have to stem higher

and some sections where you have to turn to your side and drag your pack. 

Communication is helpful and a small pack with minimal gear is also helpful

This canyon will chew up your clothing and gear so be prepared for that. 

The group before us was rappelling with no helmets, on dynamic rope, and two were learning from one another on how to rappel for the first time. 

This is not the place to learn how to go canyoneering and if you are new to canyoneering, at least wear a helmet.

This canyon took us 5 hours to complete car to car

our two other groups had a similar time frame

I highly recommend this canyon to be on your, must visit list when you are in the area. 

The hike out was straightforward and easy to navigate. 

When doing research on this canyon, refer to a site that will provide beta and information on how to prepare for this canyon. 


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