April 03, 2023
The illusion of loss is as profound as your mind interpretating what the experience means to you and the actual reality of the experience. Afterall, There are two different parallel occurrences happening, the reality of what is happening, and what we are telling ourselves is happening. There is a duality here that subjective truth to objective reality colors perception so what if emotion was an indicator of charge rather than " if we feel it, it must be true"? What if we look at emotions logistically rather than subject matter used to bypass intellect?
What is your relationship to pain, what is pain trying to tell you? I remind myself to stop seeking happiness externally. Even Buddhism describes that as soon as you place self-worth externally you are bound to lose it due to the duality of life. Go into the pain and sink into the feeling of pain. It's your teacher, let it transform you from within. Embrace pain, even pulling positivity from it is fighting against it. Process though the pain, Breathing the pain upward is trauma wanting to surface. Let it surface and release the trauma. There is no tool that will ever keep you in a state of happiness. you will go down again but by the virtue of non-attachment, you align with your soul. Pain is just a sensation. We succumb to its means when we make it mean something to us. Reassociate pain to mean something else other than your worth, validation, or identity. Create the reference experience that you stood up for yourself and you processed trauma. This will be a reference experience to silence your imposter.
be immovable when emotions arise with others. Don’t compromise goals with a partner. Give her what she needs, help her focus on things she can control. Listen, see, hear, and understand her when she gets upset or when emotions arise. Set the tone, let her feel your loyalty, trust, and devotion. Do not be a nice guy or try to get along, create tension, and keep your boundaries intact.
There is one more thing. Something that we don't have to build from the architects of our adversity. It's unyielding and mis understood. Its raw, wild, and untamed. I call it our Fierce! The place within us where we roar a lions pride into the universe with unshakable ferocity. We can be the architects of our own adversity but we can also reveal our fierce. Its already within us!
It is axiomatic that the basis to build us is there and how we can map it in a mental blueprint. This hardship indeed can be re-oriented for empowerment but are doing something just because its hard or because its valuable? Just because its hard doesn't make it valuable. Choose your time as a currency you spend wisely and value your depleting energy as source for agency.