July 07, 2022

Pico aneto is the highest peak in the Spanish Pyreenes
at only 11,183 feet above sea level, snow fields with consolidated snow, and straightforward non technical traverse, this peak is a must do if you are in spain. 
Staying in bernasque was easy access to the trailhead.  there is a shuttle bus that leaves at 5 am and at 6 am.  which is a great time to start.
You can also stay at the refuge and trim a 1000 ft of gain with a prior reservation. 
Either way you do it. You can finish this hike in a day and get plenty of time for the summit and the hike back. 
We had crampons and ice axes.  I felt that microspikes would have worked and even if you didnt have anyting you could still make the summit, yet the crampons do help out. 
The ice axe helped to position yourself in a couple places. 
The route is straightforward to the refuge, than you have a boulder field to scramble up with a few different trails leading to the same place. 
Once you get to the snowline, you don your crampons and start up into the snow. 
I enjoyed this snow traverse a lot as the snow was consolidated and easy travel. 
You make your way to a false summit than backtrack down and through a break in the ridge. 
Once you clear this break, you get a fantastic view of the snow field and the summit. 
This makes for some great mountain hiking fun, 
From here you follow your way up to the high saddle that connects the north to the south. 
Than you make your final approach up to the summit of aneto. 
You got some fantastic 360 degree views and some excellent scenery.
You also have a knife edge that you can traverse to see the metal cross. 
On the way down made some some fun glissading and walking back down to the snow line. 
If you take the right side trail and complete the loop, this will take a lot longer of a time but will take you to some amazing views of waterfalls, beautiful prairies and scenery. 
If you go back the way you came, you will get back down quicker. Enjoy this excellent peak.  Its a must do when you are in the Pyreenes. 


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