

October 04, 2022

cultivate a continuous ripening effect

All of our interactions end in death or breakup. It sounds negative right???!?… well this cycle of ending brings forth a transformation and speaks to the dogma of the universal law of impermeance. 

What is certain is that change will occur. Uncertainty is certainly going to happen. It has been this way since time began and humans have always lived in some type of jeopardizing situation. 

Grow yourself and the world around you. Love and give. Do not stop, and when you go off your path, purpose, or potential, rise again.  

Men, I am speaking to you. I have been exposed to it too. I'm out in the open and vulnerable as I hold space for this presence, I have found that our reference experiences is a foundation towards confidence. You already have been successful and you can do it again.  Expect rough times, expect success, and expect greatness out of you. 

Men, this is a call out and a stand we must take. A stand I am taking right now. This is what YOU can do to improve your relationships with other people and yourself. 

Within your unwavering presence is your observance to your emotions.  

Empower your emotions as mechanisms when life happens for you. Your emotions mean indicators of change, something is wrong, something is not working, something needs to be addressed, your concerned about the future, or you're still living in the past.  

They are indicators like an alert on your car panel to service your relationship and/or service YOU! 

Men, I am one of you. and to that I say, we all need to be fucking better. We have to. We deserve it and our partners deserve it. Take responsibility for the trajectory in the relationship. Take ownership in our responsibility, and take responsibility in that we are failing our partners. 

Bring up the hard conversations, get raw, get real, and get honest with yourself. Why would you wait for the person you love to bring up the hard conversations? 


When this happens, our partner can not trust us. They can’t count on us. They have to take charge. They have to assume the masculine responsibility. They can’t soften into our love. They’re trying to FIND our love.


We have to realize that this is our partners wanting to feel more of our love. We all want sovereign neutrality but how will you get there when both sides are not taking action and do not feel safe to do so? 


They just want more of us. They want to feel chosen. To feel fought for. 


You know what they want? They want to fucking lean into us and submit to us. They want to worship us. They want to tell us how much they want us. 

They want to feel safe owning every ounce of their desire for us, so they’re free to scream from their fucking hearts and sacrum in simultaneous unison. 


They want to worship our hearts. But we have to give them a reason to. 


That’s what they want. They want to open to us so utterly it will rock our entire fucking world.  They want to feel our energy releasing deep inside them as you roar with your partner while holding and connecting deeper into them. 


But, if they don’t trust us, if they don’t trust us to take control of our responsibility in the relationship, they will shut down. They will close their lips and shut down. 


It’s okay to feel sad about this. It’s ok to be afraid that you won’t be able to give the love that your partner deserves. Own it. Embrace it. Allow yourself to be scared. Speak your shame aloud. 


Be present to all of this. AND GO ANYWAY. Lean into your fear. If your scared of what will happen DO IT ANYWAY! Take the leap. Fail horribly. Look dumb. Look stupid. Be utterly open and vulnerable with your love. With your desires. With every part of you. Don’t hold back. 


Lead your partner. Devour your partner. Guide your partner. Allow her to soften towards your partners dream, and the undying light. Take responsibility to tell your partner where we are going, paint the picture, and bring it to your partner. 


Bring up the hard conversations. If your sex life sucks, be the one to initiate this conversation with your partner and tell your partner what you want your sex life to look like. Paint the fucking picture. Tell your partner what turns you on and what you desire. 

Initiate with your partner. Tell your partner how fucking badly you want them. If you’re disconnected, be the first one to take that step and say you’re disconnected.


If things are awkward, say they’re awkward. If the relationship has to end, don’t drag your partner through the inevitable demise, end the relationship.

 When you take charge with your partner, your partner exhales and says internally, “It’s safe for me to have my dream now.”


So, when you fail to guide and ground the relationship, you steal the dream from your partner. Men, Our partners are suffering because there is an epidemic of men not taking their relational responsibility. Take charge of dictating what the container of our relationship looks like. 

Of course, your partner is a part of the conversation. This is not a dictatorship. But lets take initiative and go first. Let's lead our partner where we want to go. 


It’s time to wake up. Sure, your partner may say she trusts you, but her body won’t. Not fully. 

 You’ll be with your partner, but never open to you fully. Your partner will always withhold a part of herself from you because, deep, deep in her body, YOUR PARTNER  DOES NOT TRUST YOU. 


How does that feel? Knowing you’re with your partner but not opening to you fully? Knowing she is not being ravished by you in the way her soul, heart and body utterly desire?


It fucking hurts, doesn’t it?


It’s time for us to step up. To assume our portion of responsibility and if you absolutely have to make the call, do it. Love your partner enough to leave the relationship. 


We must not look to our partner for validation or reassurance, we have to be willing to upset our partner, trigger our partner, or disagree with our partner, just as long as we’re walking in alignment with the highest intention of our heart and soul. 


It doesn’t matter how much money you make. All it matters is your fucking commitment to your highest purpose. A broke man with integrity is more of a man than a millionaire who is out of alignment with his greatest truth. 


We don’t need things to be a man. We don’t need stuff. We just need to guide our partner and choose to lead where our truth wants us to go. What do we want? Where do we want to go? What do we want our love to look like? Our lives to look like? We must go first. 


If we wait for our partner to decide for us, we are failing, and failing ourselves. We must move the train. It’s our partners job to decide if she wants to hop on and be a part of our hero’s mission on this planet. 


Men, in order to be this for our partners, we have to be willing to lose them. By owning our truth powerfully enough that our partner might leave us because of it.  Love them enough to let them go. 


Sure, by not owning that, we may still have our partner, but we will never actually have our partner. Understand? 


It will be a repressed, caged, ambiguous love. But it won’t be fierce. It will never be fierce. 

 Don’t we all want to love something fierce? Something so fucking fierce we both want to cum and cry at the same time. 

We have to meet our edge, constantly. We have to be willing to die, constantly. We have to meet our hurt. We have to meet our trauma. 

We have to meet the depths of our bodies and all the pain that comes along with it. Die for our partner, over and over. 


We have to be so in our fucking bodies we can read their body, we can feel their body, and we can sense when something is off.


And we dictate the container from this awareness. We assume the responsibility so they can rest and be the love our partner craves and we must hold that discomfort, hold it, and love harder, love harder. 


We must not allow that discomfort of their light dimming to lead us to retreat, but for it to push us to pry her open, to be the jester for her heart, to lead towards the arrival of the greatest truth in that moment. 


When we don’t do this, when we are not willing to die our deaths and meet our pain, we will never be able to bring our partner their relational dream. When they drag us along, they’re dying a slow death. Their feminine dies a slow death. They will guide us, and they won’t want to be intimate with us. 


Every time your partner has to be the one to bring up that hard conversation, to control the direction, you’re failing your partner, and the life force is suffering because of it. 

Our women have an equal responsibility in the trajectory in the relationship to align our oculus toward sovereign neutrality.  They will bring up hard conversations but not at the absence of men failing to show up, hold space,  and address the hard conversations he can’t have. 

Men, you know exactly what I am talking about. Maybe you want to avoid a fight, not deal with her being “crazy”, not lose the opportunity to have sex, or not feel enough because your insecurity to lose your women? 

You do not own her and do not have her to begin with and I will guarantee you that you are “losing” her if you do not have those hard conversations. The story you tell yourself about her “crazy” behavior is your own, not her responsibility. 

She is craving you to step up, to hold space for her emotions, be that still observing space protecting her, and shameless for being wild, unwinding, and fierce. Let your partner fall into the feminine.  She will only do so when your partner knows it is safe. 

This container doesn't make her weak, ashamed, submissive, or inferior. Your partner is strong, successful, independent, and consciously empowered through her own experiences leveraged by the relationships to past trauma, stories, perspective, and relationships. 

 Relationships, stories, and traumas, that we, men have had to! 

 Now she has an opportunity to relinquish that protective shell, that shell we think is "crazy", that shell that isn't full vulnerable, but now has opened to our love and to the path of Sovereign Neutrality.  

Women know when you do not step up. It will poison drip her life force.  Besides, we all want something fierce deep within our core. 

It’s time we bring our partners, to the dream that lives in their bodies. Women are the portal to the divine, but only if we allow them to soften into the gifts, they want to bring to us. We all come from women and that makes her the portal to the devine.  


Love enough to let go of the relationship. If something is inherently and fundamentally wrong with the relationship, bring it up. don't wait. Be the one to audit the relationship and end the relationship. 

There is someone for her and someone for you that wants to be fierce and wild.  Let her find love and you find your love.  A love to live with, experience, and to die for.  your warrior woman.  Find her and let her be the wild woman you really want.

A truth is that we do not lose anyone. Our relationships either transform or the physical form of our bodies transform in death, we do not actually lose anyone. They were never ours to begin with. This material body came from inside life and transforms back into the earth. 

To my friends and everyone I share love with, yes, my friends are also loved. I cannot commit that I will be here for the rest of your days, but I can promise you that our experiences of connection, love, and self-Sovereignty will be my affect for us and those like us.

I look left and right. I see who made it and who I disappeared along the way. I see the people who got the chance to join the incredible abundant journey and also got to see who has stayed on-board.
I choose to see the friends that know the volume of brutality it took to make me this still.
I see the friends that know the pain it took me to become this compassionate. The kind of friends that know how dangerous we really are but choose to temper our unshaken fortitude from reaction, desire, and temptation. 
These are the friends that already ran into the fire when the world was burning around me.

The few that already fought with the vigor of a 1000 on the battleground just for principle rather than an idea.

It's the friends that would die for you, in trust, knowing you would die for them. This is your Tribe, your Valkyrie.

Show up for yourself as the best version you can be. Be the person you can be proud of. Continue to strive for greatness. Let the journey be the destination and the continuous ripening effect be your resolve.

When you are accepted into my castle you are loved. The boundaries are fortified through experience. Inside, there is a love that is fierce, wild, raw, and full of experience.

That warrior woman that will fight for you, that woman that you want to share with world with and die for.  That kind of love awaits.  

To everyone else I share with: When I die, you will never actually lose me. Our effects carry on with those who continue to succeed after us. Our effects provided directions you took with the experiences you had with them.  What we all have become and what we will do will have an influence on the present 

If you are ever lost and want to find me, Look deep into the wild. Look into that place where it’s fierce and unyielding. That place where we laugh loud, scream with conviction, cum with a roar, and cry with vigor. 

Men, I am still speaking to you.  we live in virtue, of purpose, and allow ambition to be our fuel while our discipline sets a high standard for peak performance. Now, it’s time to orient our oculus towards what is most resistance and destabilize my own life to succeed. 

A truth that I attest to; in order to grow, you will have to go through pain. Staying present and accept a more empowering story of what that pain means, is the training grounds for your primal contact. 

Being grateful for the pain, you have shown your humility that you are alive and willing to feel, is a gift for consciousness. 

Time and time again I learned that pain was the proving ground for the mind to stay present and make decisions, but when things were hard, success could still be found under all circumstances. That is the relationship I told myself of what pain means. 

 This is not for the spoils or the effects that will be enjoyed, but for the gratitude towards the journey that will be celebrated with love, through love. 

In me, that is the only mode of being and the only response to the mechanisms of change, that I recognize. 

TO all my friends and people, I love; Go deeper!!! Look further!!! You haven’t lost me; I’ve been here this whole time. 

The illusion of loss is a story we tell ourselves. Look deep within you and I will always be there, in that beautiful place we experience. It’s that place that's raw and wild! That place where we celebrate and remember.  

It’s that place where we endured, a place deep inside where curiosity drove us deeper, or that place where love will always be found.

 My friends, lovers, family and to all I have interacted with, you already know where that place is. it’s that place that’s fierce, raw, and the place where we have run wild! Its where we have and will always find Sovereign Neutrality. 

Go back there! That’s the place where you will always find me. Our physical form leaves… our affect remains…. fair trade. 

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