

October 10, 2022

Nevada has a lot of subterranean variety. 

It continues to be Suprise me that Nevada has so many caves within the state

Some are quite high in elevation to the point that you will be searching for a long time to ever find these caves. 

From 7K ft and higher caves continue to exist and more are being discovered every year. 

Keep looking deep and you will find what's there. 

A number of caves are kept in confidence within Nevada. 

This is due to the lack of cave rescue personal available, the means to locate where people could potentially be trapped, to keep miners and looters away from caves, and to keep them as pristine as possible. 

If you are interested in caving in Nevada, Reach out to the Southern or Northern Nevada Grotto. They will help you get started into the world of caving and visiting places like this might become a reality for you, one day. 


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