I want you to get passed up for job, miss financial opportunities, and I want you to get disconnected within your paradigm of presence, your philosophy of life, forget all the work you done for yourself, and doubt your self-worth. I want you to just to be left in a low vibration reality filled with anxiety and self-doubt. I want you end a relationship that could work, but because your boundaries were crossed, you ended the relationship and was attacked for being the bad guy.
First off, we are alive. We have our physical limitations, occurrences, situations, placements, but our meaning we associate is all within our mind. What we attach meaning to and what we tell ourselves what something means to us has been within my philosophy for a long time now, but to have your philosophy shaken to its core, broken, and stress tested will anchor the fortitude in what you really choose to believe. We are all bad ass when we are fed, rested, and have a clear plan, but it's when we are tired, hungry, thirsty, and in a place inside your mind where we absolutely do not want to be; were we get to truly test our mental agility and philosophy, we get to experience our fortitude.
The illusion of loss is as profound as your mind interpretating what the experience means to you and the reality of the experience itself. Afterall, There are two different parallel occurrences happening, the reality of what is happening, and what we are telling ourselves are happening.
Everyone has a story, and you may never know the story they are writing or even be able to translate the language they choose to write their story in.
Do not judge anyone by the story or chapter you walked into. Love them enough to let them go, so they can continue to write their most compelling story that means most to them.
Love is boundless, It will never be found because it’s already within us. It’s radiant, warm, and it breathes the life of magnetic enoughness. We are love.
Your commitment to your relationship with yourself is one of the best decisions, only you can make so why not live a fun, sexy, adventurous, creative, purposeful, and meaningful relationship with yourself?
When you fall down (and this will happen) observe yourself, once again, in that familiar sinister, dark, and doubtful place. It’s that place where the remaining trauma runs free, tearing at your core fabrication. Feel it, see where it came from, and see where it is going.
When you fall, what will it mean this time? What relationship will you have with it? What new boundaries will you establish to protect you?
Are you going to continue to be the result of your coping mechanisms and your own submission to what attracts your trauma or are you going to listen to you and let go? Are you bitter or are you getting better? Victims are punked, clowned, and used by their traumas, hero's use trauma as fuel for momentum so others may have a steeping stone to bypass trauma.
What is your relationship to pain, what is pain trying to tell you? I remind myself to stop seeking happiness externally as soon as you place self-worth externally. you are bound to lose it due to the duality of life. go into the pain and sink into the feeling of pain. It's your teacher, let it transform you from within,. embrace pain, even pulling positivity from it is fighting against it. Process the pain, Breathing the pain upward is trauma wanting to surface. Let it surface and release the trauma. There is no tool that will ever keep you in a state of happiness. you will go down again but by the virtue of non-attachment, you align with your soul. Pain is just a sensation. We succumb to its means when we make it mean something to us. Reassociate pain to mean something else other than your worth, validation, or identity.
create the reference experience that you stood up for yourself and processed trauma and when you look back at the experience.
be immovable when emotions arise with others. Don’t compromise goals, give her what she needs, help her focus on things she can control, listen, see, hear, and understand her when she gets upset or when emotions arise. Set the tone, let her feel your loyalty, trust, and devotion. Do not be a nice guy or try to get along, create tension, keep your boundaries intact.
You're connected divine energy with someone will allow vulnerability and compassion to radiate from them as they support and embrace your journey. I am not going to let a rare opportunity pass me by knowing my boundaries and requirements. The people that meet those requirements are so few and if I am seeking the last relationship I will ever be in, I choose to be vulnerable.